A Real Crowd Pleaser!
Brooklyn Museum
November 19, 2021

In case you missed the memo: Andy Warhol: Revelation at the Brooklyn Museum opens today! It is a very different and personal look at many aspects – from religion, life, death, power, and desire – that formulated Warhol’s perspective throughout his existence, as well as clearly influenced his work in various ways throughout time. And, drum roll, we are ultra-proud and honored to have our Crowd (Where’s Warhol?) wallpaper as part of the lead into the exhibition…which is based on a 1955 press photo of the crowd outside the Vatican on Easter Sunday, with the ebb and flow created by pockets of priests and nuns. The exhibit showcases three versions of Warhol’s Crowd and it is evident that he wanted it to repeat. Hit the show to see how we turned the original image into a true repeating pattern in Andy’s honor, and to behold this custom Eggplant colorway we cooked up special for the exhibition (but is available in addition to any other combo you can think of; just give us a buzz)! The exhibit concludes June 19th so don’t miss out. It's definitely worth the trip as it also features more than one hundred objects, painting, drawings, and films that provide a fresh and intimate look at Warhol's creative process. Many thanks to BKM and The Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts for the opportunity!
Filed under: Videos, Custom Work, Neighborhood, Design News